About Us
Every story has a "Once Upon A Time"... This is ours. A mother and daughter had a dream to bring more enchantment into this world, and together, they made their dreams a reality.

I'm Breonna
Co-Owner of Enchanted Parties San Angelo
I graduated from Cornerstone Christian School as the Valedictorian of Class 2022. But I take the greatest pride in my volunteer work at the elementary. I adore kids; I think it is because I am one at heart! For as long as I can remember, I have loved Disney! Not only that but I have a deep passion for theater as well. I have been performing theatrical arts (acting, dancing, singing) since I was two years old. It only made sense to combine my three loves and create a truly magical business.
I'm Donna
Co-Owner of Enchanted Parties San Angelo
I've always loved entertaining, planning events, and interacting with children. When my daughter, Breonna, said she wanted to start a business specializing in children's experiences, I was excited. As a military spouse, I have had the opportunity to work with children and families worldwide, learning how we may all be different. Still, in reality, we are all the same regarding our children. We all want our children to be happy. The happiness we bring to the children and families through making their dreams come true is the best feeling in the world.

Our Story

My "Once Upon A Time" happened long ago before I could even think about starting a business. Like most children, I was obsessed with princesses as a little girl. Many nights, I would dress up as my favorite princesses and perform for my family, singing and dancing around on the floor of our living room. The first step in my journey happened on July 21, 2006, when I turned 3 years old. My parents were aware of my love for Disney, especially the princesses. My mother convinced a friend of ours to dress up like a princess for my birthday, and, as you can imagine, I was star-struck. Grinning from ear to ear at the party, holding the "princess's" hand, and proceeding to talk about it nonstop for the weeks after. Since then, my love for Disney and princesses has only grown.

Two years later, my parents took me to the most magical place on earth… a place every child dreams of going to… Disney World. For the first time, I was able to meet my idols, waiting in over three hours long lines to even catch a glimpse of my favorite princesses. But what really took the cake was the Bippidi Boppidi Boutique. My parents did not have much money when I was growing up, so I had little hope of being able to be treated like a princess. After all, they brought me to Disney World; what else could I ask for?
But destiny had another plan for me. Somehow, I won a contest and could not only go into the Bippidi Boppidi Boutique, but I sat in the front window for all to see me. I was given a beautiful dress, had my hair, makeup, and nails done- the whole shebang! I still remember the cast member standing over me as she told me to close my eyes and make a wish as she covered me in “pixie dust.” I closed my eyes as tightly as any little girl could, thinking, “I wish I could be a princess.” Little did I know the possibility of that wish coming true.

Over ten years have passed, and I am still a huge Disney fan. My love for the arts had grown tremendously through many years of theater and dance. The songs of musicals were filling my heart, and lines from classic Disney films were falling from my lips. But the one film I loved more than anything else (and still do) was Beauty and the Beast. I fell head over heels for Disney’s 2017 live-action adaptation of the tale as old as time. Little did I know that my love for the romantic story would lead me to the next major step in my journey.
My father had gained the title of Recreation Manager over San Angelo, Texas. He was in charge of many things, such as the nature center, the senior center, sports events, and more… but the one I loved the most was Father and Daughter Date Night. He was responsible for picking the theme, the decoration, and more. It was the 30th anniversary of the Father and Daughter Date Night, and the theme was “Through the Ages.” In honor of the anniversary, they would combine all the themes from the years before. There was a beach theme, country theme, and even Beauty and the Beast theme! However… my father could not find a Beauty anywhere.
He tried to find a princess to hire or an employee willing to play the role but had come up empty-handed. It was not until he came home to find his daughter watching a Disney movie that the answer finally hit him. If he could not find someone to play Belle, why not make his daughter, an actress and extreme Beauty and the Beast fan, fit the role? As much as I love acting and Beauty and the Beast, I was hesitant about taking up such an opportunity. I was doubtful of whether or not I could do justice to the role and was scared that the children wouldn’t like me. My mother convinced me to do it, and before I knew it, I was wearing the beautiful golden gown I had adored since I was a child.

It was like a dream come true, even if my nerves bit at my stomach as I walked backstage to my place. The children’s gasps of awe echoed around me as I stepped out into the light and proceeded to dance with the beast. The waltz was slow and peaceful, everything I could have imagined as a child. It was as if I was floating on air. But then I turned around to look at the crowd of children… the looks of admiration in their eyes took my breath away. It was then that I realized that they were just like me; I could see myself in their eyes as their face lit up whenever I took their hand and asked if they would like to dance with me.

It was breathtaking. It was astonishing. It was enchanting. That night I felt something I never had before. I remembered the joy I had when I met a princess, and now I was giving that same joy to others as I wore that glimmering golden dress. I could not stop talking about it to my mom. Seeing the joy on those kids’ faces created a new light in me. I looked forward to each night with excitement and pride. I cried the last day when I turned in the dress. It was just… so, so magical. There was nothing like it, being able to live the dream and make others happy. I love to act and sing. Being a princess allowed me to do that and make children happy. My mother then gave me the idea to start a business; with her support and love, together we created Enchanted Parties San Angelo. We have had many ups and downs in our entertainment career, COVID-19 being the most critical. However, we have overcome and will continue to do so, expanding and helping families make new memories. Together, we built this company, and we will continue to grow and spread enchantment throughout the city of San Angelo, Texas.